Attention Students with Intermediate to Advanced Chinese Proficiency:
Are you looking to study in China in Spring 2014?
Pre-Capstone Flagship students can also consider applying.
The ACC Intensive Language Program’s Spring 2014 term is rapidly
approaching, and now is a good time to recommend qualified students for
this semester. Please inform them that there are Fulbright scholarships
available from $1,500-$4,000. We also have international travel
scholarships ranging from $1,000-$1,300. Any interested students should
apply by October 15, 2013.
The ACC Intensive Language program is for students who have intermediate
(at least 2-3 terms of college Chinese) to advanced Chinese language
capabilities to study in Beijing. It is a program which is highly
interactive, with individualized instruction and an innovative
curriculum. Our classes are rigorous with the backbone of the program
being our strict adherence to the language pledge.
Any interested students may contact, or visit the ACC website at .
After ACC, students can have the opportunity to apply to the ACC Field
Studies or K-12 programs. All expenses for international travel (up to
$1400) and in-country activities are funded by the Fulbright Hays GPA
program. For more information regarding these programs, please contact .