國際領袖基金會 宣布 2015 年暑期 公共事務實習計劃
國際領袖基金會 (International Leadership Foundation) 2015 年度「暑期公共事務實習計劃」報名開始。
國際領袖基金會每年暑期都會選拔約 30 名傑出的亞太裔大學生 , 前往華盛頓首都的聯邦政府機構,白宮 、及 國會 實習 參加十個星期的公共事務實習計劃。 2015 年暑期公共事務實習計劃,現在開始接受報名,報名截止日期為 2015 年 2 月 1 日止。被選入此計劃的學生,還將在週末期間,
本會執行長董繼玲 說 “ 國際領袖基金會以教導亞裔未來的領袖如何進入美國主流社會 , 促進美國亞裔參與公共服務為宗旨,
ILF Civic Fellowship Accepting Asian Pacific American Student Applications for 2015
The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2015 Civic Fellowship Program is open and ongoing until February 1, 2015. Every year, ILF’s selection committee identifies approximately 30 outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) college students to spend eight to ten weeks interning at a federal agency in Washington D.C. during the summer.
Students accepted into the program are known as Civic Fellows and will receive a stipend of 2,000 dollars. In addition, they will attend weekly leadership seminars on Capitol Hill, learn networking skills and gain valuable, firsthand working knowledge of the American system of government. Fellows are responsible for their own travel, housing and living expenses.
“ILF has a stellar record of advocating for increased civic engagement and public service from the APA community,” said Chiling Tong, ILF’s Chief Executive Officer. “We need a greater representation of our community in government, and ILF’s goal is to train a new generation of successful leaders in their chosen fields and raise our community’s profile as engaged, American citizens who deserve to have our voices heard.”
Based on the interests and majors of selected Civic Fellowship candidates, ILF will work to place them with over a dozen federal agencies, as well as limited placements in congressional offices and the White House. “The ILF works hard to foster bright young APA youth who wish to experience the inner workings behind this great country’s national government, and provides effective training classes to enhance leadership skills,” said Norman Mineta, former Secretary of Transportation. Mr. Mineta is also the honorary chairman of ILF, while the Honorable Elaine Chao serves as honorary chairwoman.
Undergraduate students of APA heritage who are United States citizens and possess a GPA of 3.0 and above are eligible for this fellowship. Applications must be submitted by February 1, 2015. To learn more or submit an application, visit www.ileader.org.
About ILF
The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) has promoted the civic awareness, public service, and economic prosperity of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community as a non-profit organization. Our mission is to develop young leaders in the United States, Asia, and Pacific Rim countries in the fields of public affairs, entrepreneurship and international relations through a network of business and community leaders. ILF has a network of national advisory boards and global advisory councils in 15 cities and two continents, comprised of professional, civic and business leaders. Since its founding in 2000, ILF has provided scholarships and leadership training for thousands of talented APA college students from across the country.