We are sending the following notice on behalf of the URI Foundation.
Everyone knows someone who has done an outstanding job working at URI. Now is your chance to reward them. A candidate should be a University employee who goes beyond his or her responsibilities to enhance the objectives of a department and the University, and approaches the job with creativity, imagination, dedication, and humanism.
Candidates from previous years qualify. Don't forget to re-nominate your candidate from last year -- just write a letter or send an email to reactivate past nomination letters. This award is very competitive. Persistence is important! A separate letter or email is required for each individual you nominate.
All four Excellence Award winners will be recognized during spring graduation and will be honored before the entire University community at a recognition ceremony with a framed citation, $2,000 award and an Excellence pin.
Excellence awards will be given in four categories:
Administrative: Send nominations to the attention of Tommaso Pitassi, Administrative Excellence, c/o URIF (or email to:urifexcellence@etal.uri.edu noting the category and the nominee's name in the subject line).
Scholarly: Send nominations to the attention of Stephan Grilli, Scholarly Excellence, c/o URIF (or email to: urifexcellence@etal.uri.edu noting the category and the nominee's name in the subject line).
Staff: Send nominations to the attention of Anthony Frias, Staff Excellence, c/o URIF (or email to: urifexcellence@etal.uri.edu noting the category and the nominee's name in the subject line).
Teaching: Send nominations to the attention of Chet Hickox, Teaching Excellence, c/o URIF (or email to: urifexcellence@etal.uri.edu noting the category and the nominee's name in the subject line).
If you prefer, nominations may be emailed to: rhammond@foundation.uri.edu, noting the category and the nominee's name in the subject line.
All nominations must be received by Friday, March 1, 2013 at 4:00 PM -- no exceptions.
WRITE A LETTER OR E-MAIL US TODAY! Visit www.urifoundation.org and click "excellence awards" for more information. 